7 Tips And Exercises To Boost Your Creativity: Follow A Few Steps & Strategies To Solve Any Problem

Do you have a project or a problem that are causing you to be confused? Are you not happy with your ideas? Consider these suggestions:

Gather Right Information About creativity

you may not have enough information on your issue or project to develop the most creative solution. Exercise: Find an information source you do not typically access. What was the last time you’ve been to the library? Are there any government agencies that provides information related to your subject? What about the local community college? Is there an instructor who teaches something that is related to your topic? The clerks in bookstores are usually extremely helpful. There could be trade magazines that focus on your particular specific area of your interest.

Step 2 Be active

yes you’ve read the right words. Your brain requires plenty of oxygen and doesn’t perform well when you are not properly nourished. Exercise: Do something that is fun and energetic! This will stimulate your blood flowing. When you’re having fun, your creativity begins to flow. Try something you’ve never done in a the past few years such as roller skating, dancing or hike, ride horsesback, plant a garden, or cycle.

You can change your view of things

Einstein has been quoted to say: “We can’t solve problems with the same type of thinking that we did in the beginning to come up with problems.” Your perspective determines the way to solving a problem. The exercise is to look at your issue from a different angle of viewpoint. 

What would your issue appear like if you were someone else? Imagine…from the perspective of an employee, a child or even your dog professional athlete, a gambler or a professional athlete. Although it may sound ridiculous, the idea is to challenge your daily routine and allow your brain to discover new avenues of thought.

Compare and Contrast

Compare your problem/issue/project to something very different; an object or a concept. By juxtaposition you could discover combinations you’ve never seen before. Workout: Get the paper and write on it. Note your issue on the top. Then, add an unrelated idea like “shoe”, “the national highway system”, “a candy bar”, “cat litter “….you know the drill! Below, write all the ways you could think of how the two items are similar. Make sure you be having fun. This is another way of changing your mind as well as coming up with more ideas.

Get lots of ideas You’ve collected information and energy and examined your issue from multiple perspectives. Now is the time to play around with your thoughts. Exercise: Brainstorm! Really brainstorm. Do not just throw out a few ideas and say goodbye. Make sure you put some effort into the process. Collaboration is a good thing to do this because everyone will come up with various ideas. Each person is given a piece paper (preferably large enough, so which you can put on walls). Set an amount of time. Give yourself enough time to gather lots of ideas, but not enough time where you can’t judge the ideas that come out of your head (5-10 mins). Set a goal for the number of ideas you have which requires you to be quick. It is crucial to speed up your work in addition to reserving any judgement.

Let it go to your subconscious mind

 Allow your subconscious mind to have another chance to play. There are plenty of facts and concepts. It can be difficult to choose the most effective option. Exercise: Do it and sleep on it! Allow your mind to wander as you relax. To make this work, you should review before you go to bed. You should also keep the notebook next to your bed in order to write down your thoughts if you wake up in the night, and then on the first day. You should aim to have some ideas as you awake. Once you get up you might need to recollect your thoughts even if you’re asleep. The notebook is close to your bed so that you don’t lose any ideas you have.

Final words

Congratulations! You came up with innovative solutions for your challenge. It is possible to repeat this process on any subject.

article written by : Team Zoobee Learning

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